Lenka Doskocil, Water Program Research Associate

A hydrologist by training and a peatland restoration ecologist by heart, Lenka Doskocil is a recently returned Fulbright grantee and Colorado State University Watershed Science alum. Her passion for peatland hydrology and restoration was born, as she was, in Colorado’s San Juan Mountains where she has lived, learned, and frolicked most of her life. Her studies at CSU culminated in an undergraduate thesis estimating double peak timing in the Uncompahgre River using snowpack metrics and included work in Peru’s bofedal ecosystems and Colorado’s ephemeral streams.

Lenka has also worked on a watershed wide restoration project in Rocky Mountain National Park, vernal pool characterization efforts in Michigan and pursued a Fulbright grant in the Ecuadorian Andes, where she participated in numerous peatland restoration and characterization studies. She now works with MSI’s Water Program assisting on a wide variety of hydrology, restoration, and aquatic ecology projects. Outside of work, Lenka is an avid skier, backpacker, artist, writer, and stream-wanderer with a passion for cool rocks and hidden waterfalls. 

Contact Lenka at lenka@mountainstudies.org