San Juan Resilience Youth Summit 

Did you miss the 2021 Summit on April 24, 2021? Not to worry, all student presentations are recorded and available to watch right here. Find recordings of each presenter session below.

Pollution of All Types featuring:

  1. Ada Nuricumbo, Juana Pitchardo and Alex Curiel Moreno presenting Trash: Time to get Responsible
  2. Illyria Brunner presenting: The importance of decreasing noise pollution
  3. Amara Olsen, Tal Sheleg, and Indigo Olsen presenting Making Leadville plastic aware
  4. Rio Edmondson presenting Environmentally conscious challenges

Wetlands, water, and resilience featuring:

  1. Royce Hinojosa presenting How motorized recreation impacts water quality, preliminary data and hypothesis
  2. Nadine Drake presenting What is the success rate of a wetland restoration
  3. Charis Herrera, Daniela Chavarro Murcia, and Elias Becerra presenting Strategies that help our environment
  4. Autumn Schulz presenting How to make a home more fire resistant

Forest, wildfires, and biodiversity featuring:

  1. Evan Tweedie presenting Impact of urbanization on biodiversity locally
  2. Alexis Hanson presenting Fires and the environment.
  3. Willow Schulz presenting A wildfire resilience website

Climate change, snow, and monarch butterflies featuring:

  1. Chloee Sindelar presenting Monarch butterflies and climate change
  2. James Patla presenting A motivational climate change lesson
  3. Leit Schafer presenting Impacts of reduces snowpack in the SW

Students study aquatic life in the Animas River.

Left: students promote resilience by planting native grass seed at Ophir fen. Right: students conduct an experiment to investigate how slope impacts fire behavior using a model forest.